Discover your new possibilities!
Zhannabelle has a clear heart channel and crystal-clear clairvoyance for healing any diseases. She got this gift from the Universe. But Zhannabelle has one more talent – the talent to teach this gift to other people. As every woman is a healer event if she doesn’t know it. In this article, we will tell you how to develop these powers.
Power of love
Over long years of her practice, Zhannabelle has been asked many times if it is possible to learn what she knows: the laying-on-of-hands healing, aura cleansing or clairvoyance. And there’s nothing impossible here.
The Universe endowed us with many talents and powers including superpowers. And the main one is the ability to love. Love is the thing that heals people from spiritual and physical suffering.
Love is a gift given to us, women, by Heavens to help others. Love is a creative power, a quintessence of Good.
Certainly, becoming a true healer like Zhannabelle requires many years of learning, a very strong involvement and the desire to reveal this divine gift in you. But you may embark on this path right now!
Step 1: Creating a space of love
The first thing that the future healer should do is to release the entire great amount of love that is kept in your heart. If you feel the need to help others, worry about the fate of our planet (especially today when the coronavirus pandemic reached its peak), want to protect your relatives and close people, then you’re an exceptional woman. A Woman of Power!
Zhannabelle invites you to join other exceptional women. For this, we say the ‘Field of Love’ prayer in a prayer circle. This prayer is so powerful that it may stop diseases, disasters, heal, reduce criminal rate and do many other things. The more people take part in the prayer, the higher its efficiency.
Now when many countries closed its borders and restricted domestic travels we don’t cancel our meetings.
We continue to have classes and say prayers online. If you have a representative of our ‘Field of Love’ movement in your town, you’re very lucky. That means that he or she has a spiritual power – an immense power to help all the people. If you don’t have one, maybe it is you who will become the organizer of Zhannabelle’s events?
If you feel that you came to this world for a good reason, for something bigger, you dream of saving the planet and help others, then you’re the one who Zhannabelle has been looking for for a long time to pass you her healing knowledge and powers. Write her, make the first step to the overarching transformation of your life.

Step 2: Enter the sublime state
To heal people you are to have a specific spiritual state. To attain it you have to create a special atmosphere. For this Zhannabelle recommends using the music of transformation – special tunes filled with great energy. Such music should be chosen individually. If you don’t know how to do it, write Zhannabelle and she will help you with pleasure.
For those who don’t have the music of transformation yet, we advise you to turn on your favorite song that induces your most elevated senses and listen to it.
Step 3: Turn for help to a knowledgeable person
Sometimes, Zhannabelle’s followers who have already learned the secrets of healing turn to her for help. Occasionally, while curing other people a person might catch their diseases. That means that for some reasons that person didn’t perform a protective ritual and didn’t protect him/herself from the spirit of illness.
If it happens, Zhannabelle will surely help. Every three months she goes to specific spiritual retreats to the Places of Power. In such sacral places, she says prayers, fasts to cleanse herself and prepares her body to become a conductor of divine energy.
A true healer never relies on his/her powers only. If a person claims that he/she heals only by her powers, you should be very careful with him/her.
It is impossible to heal by only your powers. Because they are a limited resource.
Zhannabelle always turns to the power of the Universe. It is huge and infinite. And if you decided to reveal your healing talents, schedule at least two travels to the Places of Power a year.
Step 4: Using the power of magic objects
But how can you help your relatives and close people if you don’t know how to heal yet? You can help anyway. Take a printed photo of your relative and put a specially selected Object of Power on it. The special energy of this amulet will protect your close person even if he/she is a thousand kilometers away from you and whether he/she knows about it or not. As the photo creates an astral link to any person.
To ensure permanent protection of your beloved ones Zhannabelle recommends wearing amulets of power. If you don’t know which talismans fit your family members, ask Zhannabelle for help. She will choose the most efficient magic object for each of them.

Flavie, Toulouse:
‘Some time ago I dreamt of becoming a doctor. To help people and fight for their lives – that seemed a truly decent career to me. But it so happened that I was not admitted to a medical college and I had to accept the first job I was offered – I started working as a personal assistant. For 18 years I’ve been writing business letters, picking up calls and making coffee. But my dream to heal people has always been with me.
Once I came to one of Zhannabelle’s events and heard her telling her followers that every woman was a healer. Her story interested me and I started attending her classes regularly. I wished to make my dream come true, And I managed to do it!
Zhannabelle taught me a lot of things. I learned to see other people’s auras and chase away the spirit of illness. Certainly, the training took a lot of time. But I was a zealous learner, I sucked in Knowledge, tried not to miss retreats and seminars in other towns. I was at the same time flattered and very happy that Zhannabelle spent so much time teaching me. She believed in me, in my gift that she saw at once on the And I believed in myself as well!
One day I came to my parents. Scarcely had I seen my mother when I felt that something was wrong. So I adjusted myself to her aura and saw the spirit of illness on it.
The essence was so black and so huge that my legs gave way from fear.
I started asking mother how she felt, And she assured me that everything was excellent. However, I insisted she undergo a full medical examination. My mother is a very stubborn person, I should say, and it’s impossible to make her do something against her own will. But I managed to do it! I was so persuasive that she went to a clinic. Doctors confirmed what I saw myself – a dreadful disease, stage II cancer…
That very day I wrote to Zhannabelle. I understood that my knowledge was insufficient to heal my mother. I needed the Power of my master. And Zhannabelle immediately agreed to help me. Together we performed a ritual for my mother. That was a great experience! Within a month my mother started getting better.

Doctors were shocked but in less than six months they completely discarded the diagnosis without any surgery!
Now we attend Zhannabelle’s classes with my mother. And I’m very grateful to my master for helping me to reveal my gift and save someone I love!’
Today you’ve learned the first steps to the revelation of your healing powers. You will get more knowledge and more new practices at Zhannabelle’s seminars or group classes. Zhannabelle is waiting for you!