Keeper of the lineage

Woman as the keeper of the lineage

Zhannabelle explains how to become a true support for your family 

A woman is the keeper of the family; the entire lineage is formed around her. Her prayers inspire, her words support her loved ones and family members, she sets everyone up for success and prosperity, and her lineage prospers. What ancient traditions help each of us? Zhannabelle will share her knowledge of feminine power and energy with you.

Some people think that it’s all about material values – big power, big bank accounts, and tremendous career. But our ancestors believed that women have the most powerful energy. Her predestination is to take care of her Lineage, create and keep its traditions, and transfer her power to all of her relatives. Now you will find out what ancient traditions and sacred rules are the most important for creating a happy and strong family.

Pray for your Lineage 

One of the oldest traditions – prayer for your Lineage – should definitely be the most important and integral part of the lives of all women who wish happiness and prosperity for their family. Make sure you devote some time for the prayers after the morning spiritual practice. After all, you are already filled with positive energy, which will strengthen the power of your words.

It is very important to pray for your ancestors and revere the memory of them. Be sure to maintain an energetic connection with them always. In this way you will provide your family tree with protection, it will flourish and live for a very long time.  

Perform purification practices

All of us who want to keep and make our family more prosperous should start the morning by doing a set of breathing and energy practices. These exercises awaken the lineage and feminine energy with each exhalation and inhalation. Your and the day of your relatives will be filled with power if you do these practices every morning.

During the individual consultation, Zhannabelle will select a set of practices specifically for you to help your lineage and awaken your feminine power.

Many people contact us during the day, and not all of them are carriers of positive energy. Haven’t you faced difficulties at work, uncivilized shop assistants or rude drivers? Unfortunately, bad energy penetrates our aura and gradually destroys it. This is why it is so important to do a set of purification practices not only in the morning, but also before going to bed.

Keeper of the lineage

Maintain the tradition of having meals together 

Breakfast, lunch and dinner – the energy of food makes your family become one. Not everyone can afford to get together three times a day around the table in these challenging times. Budgets, work schedules and other commitments are different for everyone. In that case, try to organize a joint lunch or dinner for all members of your family at least on weekends.

All negativity, problems, gossip and quarrels should be left outside the home. This is when the ancient and well known tradition of having meals together as a family will bring health and positive energy to its members. During this time there should be only love, joy and smiles at the table, and you should carry on only pleasant conversations.

Celebrate lineage holidays 

Our ancestors knew that a woman is the keeper of the lineage; she is responsible for passing on their ancestral knowledge and traditions. But how to pass on sacred knowledge to our children and grandchildren, to really interest them and encourage them to value traditions? Zhannabelle recommends bringing the family together for lineage holidays, such as New Year and Christmas, birthdays, wedding anniversaries and other special occasions for you and your loved ones. They bring the whole family together and give a positive program for the entire year and even decades to come. 

A woman, the keeper of her Lineage, takes responsibility for the holiday and must always remember that all power gathers in that moment with her family. In a natural way, we must invisibly guide all affairs and conversations so that only positive words are spoken at the table. And with an unheard prayer, we will channel the energy for the well-being of our lineage.

A woman should do her best to remember all of her ancestors only with kind words during the lineage feasts. After all, success and prosperity return and come to those families who are grateful to their ancestors.

Carry out energetic womb cleansing

The womb is a vessel filled with feminine power and tremendous energy. It is responsible for the joy of motherhood, health, personal relationships and love in a woman’s life. At the same time womb is responsible for the success and health of man with whom she is linked by romantic and sexual relationships. It is also responsible for the protection of the Lineage. The most important purpose of a woman is to keep her womb clean at the physical and energetic levels. Even with a very attentive and careful approach to health, one cannot avoid negative influences, emotional and physical fatigue and other unpleasant influences from outside.

Womb cleansing is a very important hygienic procedure, like washing or bathing and showering. This is why Zhannabelle recommends doing it regularly. This is especially necessary for women who have had more than one sexual partner in the past and now have problems with a man or have health issues (infertility, various inflammatory diseases). At workshops and group classes held by the spiritual advisor you will learn to perform rituals of purification and replenishment of the female power.

womb cleansing

Only a woman should be the mistress of the lineage 

According to the ancient tradition of our ancestors, the highest place in the home hierarchy is occupied by women, which in no way diminishes the merits of men. They have their own tasks for the prosperity of the lineage and family: a woman, as the keeper of the lineage, fills everyone with energy, while a man is responsible for the material side of life.

Sad as it may sound, recently women often do everything themselves and do not allow men to contribute to the building of a strong family hearth. Yes, we are able to get all the delights of this world without any help. However, it leads to the weakening of the energy of the lineage.

We often say: “I’ll do it myself. I’ll do it better, I’ll do it faster”. Dear, it may really be so, but Zhannabelle urges all women to forget these words and learn to accept help and support again. Involve the family in household chores: the children can wash the floor in the nursery well and, if they want, they will also wash dishes in the kitchen. Let your husband take an active role and share the responsibility. Let him pay the bills, shop for household goods and help your child with their math homework. When all family members help each other, energies are exchanged and everyone feels important.

The most important components of any person’s life, impossible without feminine power, are success in all areas of life, the success of her husband and children, health and love. 

Every woman has the power to make her Lineage flourish and fill it with strength and energy. If you want to learn more about women’s secrets and ancient traditions, to understand what habits can ruin life and family, and which on the contrary – to save and preserve, join the online school of Zhannabelle, take part in workshops and group classes.

Problems are difficult to cope with alone, you really need to attend our training sessions, and in between attend group classes. Then all your problems will be solved instantly, good luck, health, prosperity and love will come to you!

Greta (Munich) 

“My husband and I were almost a whisper away from getting divorced when I asked Zhannabelle for help. Before that we tried everything: local family psychologist and personal consultations, classes in a group of desperate couples like us. Our relationship, or rather the practical absence of it, remained unchanged, and the gap between my husband and me only increased. 

It was only my mentor who helped me come to my senses by showing me the path that would lead to marital happiness. First of all, she started with womb cleansing, because, according to her, the heavy energy of my former partners was suppressing my feminine power and preventing me from opening up in my current relationship.

After the energetic cleansing, I felt light as a feather, able to fly with the slightest whiff of the breeze. Zhannabelle selected for me individually cleansing practices and a special amulet for the protection of my family and my lineage. I reconsidered my life completely and began to pay much more attention to my loved ones.  

It’s been three years since then, my husband and I have been living in perfect harmony and we haven’t even talked about divorce. We are happy! I thank my mentor so much for her help, and to this day I still attend her online school and learn new and interesting things every time, which helps us to make our lives even better.