Zhannabelle shares the ancient secret of rejuvenation
There is very little time left until the New Year, so it is very important to start preparing for it now. Zhannabelle’s recommendation is to have a pleasant and, at the same time, effective procedure several times. It will help you bring in the winter holidays in a wonderful mood. After taking such baths, you will feel attractive, find harmony, tune into a positive mood and discover new strength for success. Read the article to the end. The mentor will tell you about the magical baths and real elixirs of youth in detail.
A recipe for youth from Zhannabelle
Since childhood each of us has heard many stories about beautiful and ever young tsarinas. There are even legends about their traditions of body care. But the baths, which heal body and soul, were of special interest. The secret of these procedures was never revealed to anyone, but when Zhannabelle was still very young, she couldn’t wait to know it. One day, her grandmother decided to reveal the healing recipes to pass the wisdom to her granddaughter. She told our future mentor about magical charms, herbs and aromatic oils.
A lot of time has passed since then, but Zhannabelle has not forgotten this secret of bath preparation and is happy to share it with you. Are you ready to learn about a wonderful ritual called “Healing baths“?
So, it will take you only four days to do the rejuvenating procedure. Each day you will need to take one special bath. They are all unique and affect different areas of your life.
• The first bath can strengthen your natural immunity and even cure diseases. It will help you restore your vitality and become more active. It will energize you and charge you for the whole day.
To make it, you will need a small cup of salt. You can use sea salt or kitchen salt. But if you have a special magical black salt, it will give you even better result. Take a bowl and put special oil into it. In this case you will need orange oil. It will awaken your inner energy and give you freshness and a great mood. Add 5 drops of this magic oil to the salt. As soon as the magic mixture is ready, charge it – stretch your hands over the bowl, close your eyes and begin to have a clear image of yourself being healthy, beautiful and happy while smiling. Then say ‘I am healthy!’ three times and dissolve the salt in the bath.
• The next bath, to be taken on the second day, is dedicated to love and well-being in a relationship.
To prepare it you will also need any kind of salt you choose but instead of orange oil add ylang-ylang oil. Before taking a bath on the second day, you should again say the words: ‘I love, and I am being loved’ three times over the bowl with salt. While doing it, let yourself dream about romantic relationships and incredible deeds that men will be capable of doing for you. After that, dissolve this magical mixture in water.
• The third bath will attract wealth and success to you.
To prepare it, you will need bergamot oil. If you add 5 drops of it to the salt and dissolve this mixture, you will immediately feel the aroma of success. But you also need magic words. Say three times: ‘I am rich and successful’. While bathing, do not forget to visualize the desired thung. For example, if you dream about a promotion, imagine yourself standing in front of your boss and colleagues while you are solemnly appointed to a leadership position.
• The last bath that you should take on the fourth day is deals with the development of your talents and finding your true predestination.
You are recommended to use rose oil for this bath. This oil emits a subtle and hardly perceptible feminine fragrance that contributes to the development of your natural talents and your self-realization. Before taking the fourth bath, say over a bowl of salt and oil: ‘I am talented, I am creative’.
You also have the opportunity to get your unique fragrance that will complement you and multiply your strengths and emphasize your individuality. Get in touch with Zhannabelle – she will choose the ingredients that suit you.
Every time you take a bath imagine yourself a real queen. Make sure you turn on the music of transformation and feel these magical waves of sounds carry you into a special world of health and prosperity, love and wealth. Feel every cell of your body to be filled with this energy.
Take the baths for 10 minutes at a comfortable temperature. In no case should you take a hot or a cold bath! You should not feel very tired after the procedure.
A recipe for youth to be used in shower
‘What to do if I don’t have a bath tub?”, you may ask. Do not worry; this procedure can be done in the shower. Zhannabelle recommends using magical salt as a healing scrub. Mix it well with oil and then gently rub the mixture over your body. Leave it on your skin for 5 minutes so that the salt pulls out the previous negativity, bad energy and evil outside influence from each cell of your body. At the same time, the essential oil will be absorbed into your skin and give it a pleasant fragrance for a long time. Then rinse yourself in the shower.
At the seminars, Zhannabelle will tell you special secrets of preparing special women’s healing scrubs and baths. She will share ancient sacred knowledge on how to properly use the power of fragrances and what points to apply them on in order to influence a certain area of life.
Olivia, Portland
‘I first came to see Zhannabelle when another boyfriend broke up with me. For a long time, I could not find a man with serious intentions to find happiness. I was about to give up on my personal life but Zhannabelle said that I needed just a little bit to change everything.
The mentor picked a special magical fragrance for me which she had made from magical oils brought from different countries and the Places of Power. Zhannabelle warned me that such perfumes had to be used very carefully. One drop of the elixir can awaken all the inner energy of a person. The mentor also showed me magic points on my body that would only increase the influence of magic perfume on me and my environment.
It only took two days for changes to happen. I work at a post office. One day about six inspectors came to our department to inspect our work. The situation was tense. My colleagues and I began to panic. We started cleaning up our workplaces quickly. One of the inspectors stopped in the doorway and gave me a long look. Then he walked past me and stopped. I confess that my heart stopped beating at that moment. For a couple of seconds, he was thoughtfully looking around and then sharply turned and asked what kind of perfume I was wearing. ‘Now he will start scolding me for using perfume while serving customers. And I will sure get a reprimand for my bright manicure,’ I thought. But my fear was immediately dispelled as soon as the inspector looked me in the eye and said that the perfume was amazing.
Everything went well, and we were even promised bonuses for our good performance. That same evening the inspector offered me a ride home and, when saying good-bye, asked me out. He confessed that he admired me and wanted to spend more time getting to know me. After the first date our relations were developing very quickly. There was a feeling as if we had known each other for a long time as real friends. There was even a moment when he gave me a silver necklace I had been dreaming about for a long time, but I didn’t dare telling him about it. I am dreaming of marrying him, and the other day a friend of mine said that he was getting ready to make me an unforgettable marriage proposal. At last I became very happy as a woman!
I am grateful to Zhannabelle for giving me the magic perfume at just the right time. It helped me to attract true love into my life. Now I proudly recommend everyone to follow my example”.
The magic perfume serves absolutely any purpose in life. Zhannabelle is waiting for you at her training sessions to share her wisdom, to help you clean up your life and find the happiness that you deserve.
Do not forget about miraculous baths. Enjoy them, and soon you will feel the positive magic effect.
My dear, you have obtained new knowledge and now it is time for you to become a ray of light for others. Share this article with them, invite them to become part of the Field of Love and come together to our retreats and classes!