A woman is the keeper of the family; the entire lineage is formed around her. Zhannabelle will share her knowledge of feminine power and energy with you.
New Year is a bright time, which both children and adults are looking forward to. Zhannabelle will tell you how to prepare for family dinner to lay a favorable program for the coming year.
Do you often praise people around you? Zhannabelle believes that we should use praise in our communication every day. Why? Read the article to the end!
Have you ever thought about what a woman's voice can do? Let's talk about the development of the Power of the voice and the influence of the Voice on a woman's destiny.
Through the womb a woman receives powerful energy of her lineage. A woman should preserve her beauty and purity. This is what Zhannabelle teaches at her classes.
We all want to be healthy, happy and successful. Today we are talking to Zhannabelle about ways to do it and the cost of individual practices or a magical protective talisman.
Most of us don't have enough time to stop and think how to find the meaning of life. So what do we do? The best option is to go to the retreat with Zhannabelle.