How do you become an unconditionally happy woman? In this article, Zhannabelle will share the secret knowledge she collected from around the world for 17 years.
Very soon, on March 21, we will celebrate the Spring Equinox. What does it bring to everyone and how should we spend it? I will tell you the most important things in this article.
Every woman dreams to be young and beautiful. My dear, in this article I will tell you how the inner charm can be a source of eternal youth for each of you.
Where do we find the power and what are the ways to replenish energy for women? Read carefully, I will tell you 7 tricks to get filled with energy regularly.
There is very little time left until the New Year, so it is very important to start preparing for it now. The mentor will tell you about the magical baths and real elixirs of youth in detail.
Have you ever thought about what a woman's voice can do? Let's talk about the development of the Power of the voice and the influence of the Voice on a woman's destiny.
Through the womb a woman receives powerful energy of her lineage. A woman should preserve her beauty and purity. This is what Zhannabelle teaches at her classes.
Zhannabelle will tell you how to spend the Summer Solstice the right way, so that health, success, and well-being become your companions for the next 365 days.
We all want to be healthy, happy and successful. Today we are talking to Zhannabelle about ways to do it and the cost of individual practices or a magical protective talisman.
The day of vernal equinox is a very serious date, one of the most energetically powerful days of the year. So you can rewrite your destiny the way you want!
Most of us don't have enough time to stop and think how to find the meaning of life. So what do we do? The best option is to go to the retreat with Zhannabelle.
How to turn luck toward you It is believed that the New Year begins on January 1. However, the universe lives by its own special cosmic laws, which do not always align with our usual calendar. Today, few people...
Celebrate the holiday the right way No other holiday is probably more popular than Halloween. Costumes, makeup, noisy parties. But earlier the meaning of this holiday was not the same as today. Initially, its essence...
International female trainer Zhannabelle’s program gives you immediate results. Just 30 minutes of Zhannabelle’s mentorship and experiencing her extremely powerful energy field will be enough to reform 10 years of your...
Nowadays I’d like to publish the story of my student Clara. Please, read this text attentively! I must warn you. Anybody can make the mistake she did. A charlatan will find the way to anyone! “This story happened...
The longer we live, the more experience we get and begin to realize the laws of life. That one, who is a master in meditation, creates the practice of each of the events. You can get an incredible epiphany on this way...
Intuition is an innate power of every person. Some people listen to the intuition and some people don’t. However, intuition is the best compass in life. In order to develop your intuition skills, it is important to...
Traveling to past lives? This isn’t some story out of a fantasy film, it’s real! Magicians and seers have long travelled to their past lives to retrieve invaluable information and skills. This process is called...
To be a woman is an art form. Our love and tenderness create harmony in our family and home. However, often problems in our daily lives or relationships fill us with negative energy. This has direct results on our...